What We Do
SANEWOPA works through three primary modalities:
1. Fostering Community – SANEWOPA brings together stakeholders under one platform to build a community dedicated to enhancing inclusion of weekend farmers in agriculture development and to promote sustainable agripreneurship amongst weekend farmers.
2. Learning and knowledge sharing – SANEWOPA organizes events and produces communication pieces to harness ideas, lessons learned and promising practices for enhancing inclusion of weekend farmers and enabling weekend farmers to adopt a sustainable agripreneurship approach.
3. Facilitating collaboration – SANEWOPA facilitates linkages and collaborative partnerships amongst stakeholders through advocacy, business networking and co-creation.
Who We Work With
1. Weekend Farmers – SANEWOPA serves as an advocacy platform for weekend farmers, bringing them together and championing their needs and interests. Weekend farmers who join SANEWOPA also benefit from networking, capacity building and facilitated linkages with key stakeholders.
2. Government – SANEWOPA works with government agencies that drive agriculture development to assess the needs and interests of weekend farmers and to advocate for policies and programs that enhance inclusion of weekend farmers.
3. Private Sector Companies – SANEWOPA works with private sector companies in the agriculture sector to assess and develop tailored products and services for weekend farmers.
4. NGOs and development agencies – SANEWOPA works with development agencies including donors and NGOs to assess barriers and develop tailored strategies for engaging weekend farmers in development programs.
5. Research and Academia – SANEWOPA works with research and academic institutions to conduct studies on weekend farmers and weekend farming and to provide policy and programmatic recommendations for enhancing inclusion and promoting sustainable agripreneurship.
The Sustainable Agripreneurship Model
SANEWOPA’s work is built around our sustainable agripreneurship framework which underscores the importance of a holistic approach to agripreneurship. One that takes into consideration the environmental, economic and social sustainability of farming, using integrated risk management as the foundation of sustainability: